Search Results for: Government Accountability Office

FBI Director Robert Mueller suggested to the House Appropriations Committee in testimony Tuesday that terror suspects be legally prohibited from buying guns. Under current federal regulatory practice, highlighted yesterday in a new Government Accountability Office...


Citing a Government Accountability Office study, several lawmakers Thursday called for an end to the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy regarding homosexuals. The report , released Wednesday, indicated that the policy has hurt recruiting and retainment...


In an exclusive JURIST op-ed before his testimony today before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Admiral John Hutson (Ret. USN), former Navy Judge Advocate General and now President and Dean of Franklin Pierce Law Center, says that Judge Alberto Gonzales' reading...


Michael Froomkin, University of Miami School of Law:"At Guantanamo, a Prison Within a Prison: Within the heavily guarded perimeters of the Defense Department's much-discussed Guantanamo Bay prison in Cuba, the CIA has maintained a detention facility for valuable al Qaeda...